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visit our website www.justpressone.com for more information
on why we should be your back off support center.

It's the Year of the RAT!
January 25, 2020 is the beginning of Chinese New Year also known as Spring Festival and the Year of the Rat. Rats are CLEVER, QUICK THINKERS, but content with living a quiet and peaceful life.
We would like you to celebrate with us as we are now part of this culture as a result of opening our new office last year in Cebu, Philippines.
The Rat is the first in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac sign. Optimistic and energetic, people born in the Rat year are likable by all. They are sensitive to others’s emotions but are stubborn with your opinion. Kind, but due to weak communication skills, their words may seem impolite and rude.
Draw and Win
2019 "Year of the Pig" Client Winner

Vidanta Grand Mayan Resort
The winners had a hard time deciding which of the seven resorts to visit.
Finally after almost a year of contemplating they choose the Grand Mayan in Cabo.
I have been there many many times as a member of this private club and never once regretted going.
Food is great!
People are friendly.
It is never crowed.
Plenty to do.
To celebrate this Year of the Rat we are hosting a fun contest with a vacation surprise.
Hand draw a picture of a rat and submit it in a PDF or JPEG format via email to: yearoftherat@justpressone.com
Deadline 2/28/2020

One winner will be selected at random and announced in our March 2020 Newsletter