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Cebu Community Clean Up
Last month our Cebu associates took part for the first time in a community cleanup event. We spent a few hours picking up trash while enjoying some wonderful Vitamin-D provided by an abundance of sunshine. (something us vampires here in the Philippines don’t get enough of!).
The team building event went over so well we will be heading back out every quarter to make a difference in Cebu.
Front Row L-R:
Carla, Analyn, Ryan, Argean, France, Dhavie, Angelica, Keith
Back Row L-R:
Friend, Friend, Xene, June, Dave, Pocholo, Marvin, Anthony, Larry, Friend

Meet Penny
She has a message for you.
Just Click to Listen!
Service Notifications and Reminders
> Simple > Fast > Reliable
Answering the phone and hearing a familiar voice of a far-off relative or friend is one of life’s great small pleasures. Conversely, a ring that turns out to be a computerized voice can be as frustrating as the dozens of other robo calls your customers receive.
When your business needs to deliver notifications and reminders, make it sound real with personalized service from Penny.
- Sounds like a real person
- Doesn’t take lunch or rest breaks
- Works 24X7X365
Call us today and ask how Penny can be of personal service to your business and to your customers.
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