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Customer Testimonials

“We are an extension of your team.”

Team JPO!!
It has been an honor working with your team. We are extremely grateful to have crossed paths with you and look forward to our continued partnership.
Jodie F
Office Manager
As many companies may have experienced since 2020, we had challenges filling open and growing positions on our team. Our customer service experience and employee morale were suffering because we didn't have enough people to get everything done. Sound familiar? Thankfully, JPO was able to solve that problem! They had candidates for me to interview within days or even hours. The people that have joined our team are some of the best people on our team now! They are dedicated, effective, kind, and highly skilled individuals. It's a pleasure to work with them every day!
We have been using Just Press One for almost a year now and I have no regrets. We use them mainly for warranty call submissions. We service multiple brands from Whirlpool to small brands like Uline or Hestan and many more. Some of our brands are very unique on how they request there submission and they account for all it. We have been assigned to a manager and a direct rep and communication has been effortless. The direct rep will message us directly if any clarification is needed on a service ticket. Its as simple as a co-worker emailing me and me responding back. We currently have six service techs and before I would have to spend over 10 hours every week following up on warranty claims, now I spend less than an hour a month just checking our statements to ensure everything was paid for. If we have issues with an invoice on our statements it as easy as emailing them over a list of the issues and they take care of it. Our unpaid invoices has dramatically declined to almost none rejected. I wouldn't think twice about bringing them on. There wasn't really any growing pain. There were just a initial zoom call to get it all set up and go over all of your brands. After that you might get a few extra emails until they get a hang of your account, but I wouldn't really call it growing pain. We operate on a system that's called EPass. They have never worked with this system before but I wouldn't have known any better. After the Zoom call they took all the information and procedures that we did in house and ran with it.

Real-time Analytics
& KPI Monitoring

Our easy-to-understand visual analytics gives you all the data you need to make the right decisions. Filter by team or agent or date and set custom KPIs for your team to aim for and achieve.

Designed to help you offer exceptional customer service, our dashboard always monitors the outcome of calls, disposition codes, and key metrics to help you optimize every step of your workflow.

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